Saturday, November 10

November Already

Hey everyone! Its been way too long since I last posted, way too long. In fact all this moving around business has left me a bit drained. Kevin and Jackie decided to move to Twin Falls, Idaho, something about Kevin was unemployed then got a new job or whatever I don't know I wasn't really paying attention. Anyway I moved with them, decided free room and board was too hard to pass up. Yeah I'm a moocher. So since right now I don't have any cool new pictures to share, I don't have them ready yet, I figured I could hold an owl show. I would like to see any cool owl pics/drawings/stories you may have and want to share. I will put your stories/pics/drawings up here on the blog for the world to see. I might even try and send some of my favorites some prizes. Just send your submission to
Colonel Sanders

1 comment:

Jackie B. said...

It's December Colonel. What else is new?