Sunday, May 25
Monday, May 5
Sunday, May 4
T-shirt 2
Saturday, May 3
Friday, April 25
Tuesday, April 22
Thursday, April 10
So one of my goals with this blog is to report on some of the cool places that I have been. Althought it has been a few months since my trips there, one of my favorite places to be is Yellowstone National Park. I love everything about that place; viewing wildlife, the landscape, I even love the sulfur egg fart smell. Mmmm… egg salad sandwiches! Fortunately this past year I able to go there and have a blast, and I even saw a grizzly in the wild for the first time. During some of my previous visits I had camped at Madison Junction Campgrounds, however this past Labor Day I was very lucky to have stayed at the Madison Hotel. The Madison, in West Yellowstone, is a block and a half from the west entrance of the park. Their card reads “Restful Accommodations Rustic Atmosphere” and when they say rustic they mean rustic. It is a hotel with history; it is one of the, if not the, oldest hotel in West Yellowstone. Staying there made me think of going to an older cabin with friends and relaxing for a week. It isn’t new with all the new gadgets and accommodations but it is worth the stay. The following is from their website:
Listed in the National Register of Historic Places
by the United States Department of Interior
The Historic Madison Hotel reflects the rich history of early tourism to Yellowstone National Park. Built in 1912, the Madison Hotel began as a two-story rectangular building of simple log construction with saddle-notched corner timbering and a prominent front dormer. A cut-stone fireplace in the downstairs lobby warmed the original six upstairs rooms. Each room had a pitcher, a washbasin and a chamber pot. Water came from a well across the street. The hotel expanded in 1921 adding fourteen rooms, a bar and a dance floor. There was no running water until the 1930's. Today The Madison Hotel has most of the amenities you would expect to find in a modern hotel. Log support columns and beams, wood floors, light fixtures, the stone fireplace, and many of the room furnishings remain original. Although not the first hotel in West Yellowstone, the Madison is the only hotel that remains from the early days of tourism in Yellowstone National Park.
Another place to check out while you are in West Yellowstone is the Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center. Great information on bears and wolves and their life and importance to the Yellowstone area and world-class exhibits. The habitats that the wolves and bears are in, allow you to view them easily and closely. However being an owl, my favorite was a presentation on birds of prey. During which I ran into my cousin Tegan. He seemed to be doing well, a few years back during a really violent thunderstorm he was blown out of his nest. A trucker rescued him and now he has a pretty sweet gig. Anyway great place, great information, and fantastic exhibits. Check out their website:
Friday, March 21
So this image has been a source of debate, it hasn’t appeared in a regular spot on the website however it was one of several random images that appeared on the website’s first page a few months ago. It is very unlikely that many or anyone saw it. To me it is too funny to pass up posting. The hardest part about creating the painting was making the model look better than he did. So with the intention to make you laugh and perhaps squirm a bit at the site of such a pasty white boy…

Tuesday, March 11
Owl Humor
Ran across this Rubes cartoon, enjoy!
To appease my conscience while posting this comic, I am including a little plug for where to find Rubes via the internet He also has books and is published in hundreds of newspapers and magazines (Progressive Dairyman) If you would like to see more of Rubes go to:
Colonel S.
Colonel S.
Thursday, February 21
Is Anything On?
So the other day as I pecked away at the ol' keyboard with the T.V. on in the background, I thought to myself is that a girl or a guy? The "that" being one of the contestants on American Idol. At first glance and listen it could of gone either way like most of the contestants I saw. Then the channel was changed and I realized I didn't care that the channel was changed. Not only did I not care to hear the performances or watch the show, I was so uninterested in the program I didn't want to find the answer to the question of what "it" was (guy, I found out the next morning from a radio program). Then I began to think about T.V. in general and thought, wow, there really is nothing on. Think about it, one network will think of a "new" idea and do several versions of it (C.S.I., C.S.I.:Miami, C.S.I.:NY, Law and Order, Law and Order:SVU, etc.) or that same idea will be used on all the networks with their little "twists" think doctor/hospital shows. Then the thought came to mind that the writers are back certainly they will have gotten inspiration during the time away in the strike, but that thought died quickly strangled by the fact that these are the writers that wrote that other crap in the first place. Perhaps I am missing the happy land of cable or satellite T.V. but I doubt it. Yeah its nice sometimes to sit down relax and just watch a little boob tube, but at the end of the day does it really matter to you if Joe Dirt, from Littletown, U.S.A. wins $285,000 on Deal or No Deal? Does it really change your life if pretend agent so-and-so defuses a bomb in time, the fictional criminal finally is caught by the D.N.A. he left on a Q-tip in a garbage can in the neighbor's bathroom two houses down from the crime scene, this character is finally dating that character, or what's-his-name got voted off? No, its just entertainment. So who cares if nothing or something is on, we all have better things to do right! Who's with me?
Alright, now that I've got that off my chest, could you pass me the remote? I'm just going to check if anything is on. CS
Remember there are unanswered questions and unclaimed prizes on this blog, look through past entries for the chance to win sweet swag.
Alright, now that I've got that off my chest, could you pass me the remote? I'm just going to check if anything is on. CS
Remember there are unanswered questions and unclaimed prizes on this blog, look through past entries for the chance to win sweet swag.
Tuesday, February 12
Unclaimed Items
So there are a couple of unclaimed prizes to be won, check back in some of the old posts and find out how to win the loot. Feel free to post comments on what you would like the Colonel to do/go/talk about next.
Monday, February 4
Have you heard of a mystery puzzle? If you haven't, mystery puzzles are like a normal puzzle except there is no picture to look at to put it together, there is included with the puzzle a short story to read and from the finished puzzle and the story you solve a mystery. It is actually quite fun and extremely frustrating/addicting. With the help of some friends, shout out to Darren C, and some family members, Jeff and Barb, this particular mystery puzzle was solved. I hope that I don't ruin this for anyone, I am putting it here as a trophy to those who labored in solving it but were unable to see its completion.
Puzzles are like people, some have weirder looking pieces than others.
Puzzles are like people, some have weirder looking pieces than others.
Tuesday, January 29
Meanwhile At The Fortress of Solitude....
Thursday, January 10
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